Thursday, October 10, 2013

Rough Outline For Essay

Rough Outline for Essay.
Topic: The Impact Social Media has on Society.

Introduction Paragraph:  
  • A Opening Sentence to attract the readers attention
  • Background information about social media and how it came to be and the changes it has caused
  • Thesis statement
Body Paragraph #1:
  • A opening sentence
  • How social media has impacted society's ways of thinking and doing
  • Closing sentence
Body Paragraph #2:
  • An opening sentence
  • The positive and negative effect social media has had on youth and children. 
  • closing paragraph
Body Paragraph:
  • opening sentence
  • The effect on adults and seniors positive and negative
  • closing paragraph
Body Paragraph:
  • opening sentence
  • The overall negative and positive effect.
  • closing sentence
Body Paragraph:
  • opening sentence
  • The need  and importance for social media in society.
  • Closing sentence
  • highlight of main ideas in essay
  • how to use social media the right way
  • thesis statement in different words


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