Monday, November 11, 2013

Third Topic Development

The big question when it comes to creating a Ted Talk is "What are people talking about now a days?", its also based on how easy they will comprehend the idea you are trying to spread.
Personally I think that people are talking about diversity in everyday life. Diversity is everywhere because everyone is different in their own way. There is no human being that is the same, sure maybe the same interest but never the same exact.
  I chose Diversity because I feel like its really important and it should be valued. People should be able to be open-minded and accept the differences in others. I feel like the people that don't or don't have the privilege to grasp the knowledge of the concept of "Diversity" become sexist or racist and are not able to open-minded.
Its something we cannot escape from because its everywhere we turn, we learn to accept difference at a early age because it can be difficult to learn in as we grow older.

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