Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Info-graphics are pictures that contain information, like interesting information. It is explaining it in the picture. I have seen them before in textbooks, and even on Facebook. Info-graphics can be helpful for marketing and campaigning because it can include visual information, you can add the picture of the person/product and add what they are roosting for or what benefits the products has for customers. Info-graphics can easily replace textbooks and PowerPoint. it contains all the information within it.
You can learn from this info-graph is how to make the best info-graph there is. It shows how to set it up, and the categories. I understood everything. I can use this information to create my own by: it gives you ideas to try to make an info-graph on something that is trending.

Three info-graphs that I thought were really interesting were:...
1)   I like Makeup

2) http://www.infographicsonly.com/wp-content/uploads/ZfDRAN0.jpg
  My Favorite animal is a horse

Christmas Flower Infographic

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Buzz Feed Videos Blog

       In this post, I viewed some BuzzFeed Videos and gave my opinion about them. Then I selected two BuzzFeed Videos of my preference that I liked.
1) "Almost Immortal Animals"
《URL:  http://m.youtube.com/watch v=W382U0baxVA&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DW382U0baxVA6》       
1)  The length of this video was appropriate because it was short enough capture my attention entirely and not get tired of it easily.
2) This Video combined music which would be classifed as "Audio" and pictures of the animals it metioned in the video. Also a lot of animation and video clips of the animals. Which made it interesting.!
3) This video was very revelant to me because it was in realtion to some of our background knowledge.  It was very interesting because it states facts about these animals' life spans that are shocking to us because we had never thought about it or knew.

"How to piss off every New Yorker in 36 Seconds"
1) Honestly I thought the timing of this video was awesome! I liked how this video compleately captured my attention!
2) In this video the Audio was very intense made the audience incline and be attentive. There was motion videos which was cool becaus it showed the real examples of what they were stating.
3) Honestly this video does not relate to my life because I dont live in a huge metropolitan city. But it did capture my attention and I did quite enjoy this video to the fullest!

"The Most Trivial Mind Blowing Things You Never Thought Of Before"
1) I Think on this video was a little bit too long for my interest, I lost interest after a couple of minutes.
2) I This video they used photographs and animation. Also some Audio to capture the viewers' attention. I think that the music was a little bit too slow and unamusing for me. I would suggest a better suspenseful intense music for this video.
3) Honestly, I like the facts of all these different items we dont realize and wouldn't imagine knowing. This relates to my life and other people too because we see or use the items they metion.


"Can You Make it Through this video without melting your mind?"
1) The Length of this video is okay, because the viewers need time to read the content of this video and comprehend what they basically just read.
2) This video had pictures of what it was talking about, and very amusing audio that went with the theme. I think everything worked on the this video and it made it very interesting.
3) This video is very interesting because it offers new ideas about the universe we have never thought about considering. It relates to everyone in the universe and it very mindblowing!

"The Scariest Moments in Your Everyday Life"
1)I Think that the video was okay in length, it was short ans entertaining. 
2) It had Audio, fun music and pictures that created the mood of the video.
3) This video relates almost to everyday life. There are moments were we commint these incidents and they aee very shocking and embarrassing.  Almost everyone can relate to this video.

Monday, September 2, 2013

My Creation Of Memes(:

What Makes a Meme a Meme?
A) A Meme is a picture with a caption that anyone can relate to and have a little laugh.

(All theses memes were created on IFunny by Stephani Ornelas.)

The First Three Memes are in relation to a student's experience they might have at Dowling Catholic.
 I created this Meme because at Dowling they block web pages they think students should not be on. They just block the first 4 top suggestions, and the other ones are not blocked.
There is one point in a student's life that they will take a hard test in their class and they ace it. They get so excited that they feel like they should share the news with their best friends.
This Labor Day, the teachers at Dowling Catholic assigned so much homework on Labor Day Weekend. Its a day of rest, not of work.!

The Next Two are Memes in relation to Living in Iowa....
Yearly, the grand attraction that brings many people travel to Iowa opens.... The Iowa State Fair! Its a lot of walking to see all they have to offer. So I am guessing that some Iowans prepare themselves for the walking and to eat all the fast foods.

 Traveling through Iowa is kind of boring because all there is to see is the huge massive corn fields.

Last but not least, a meme of ourselves.....

This picture was taken in the Valley West Mall Elevator. We decided out of random to lay down on the floor to take this picture while the elevator was in motion.