Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Info-graphics are pictures that contain information, like interesting information. It is explaining it in the picture. I have seen them before in textbooks, and even on Facebook. Info-graphics can be helpful for marketing and campaigning because it can include visual information, you can add the picture of the person/product and add what they are roosting for or what benefits the products has for customers. Info-graphics can easily replace textbooks and PowerPoint. it contains all the information within it.
You can learn from this info-graph is how to make the best info-graph there is. It shows how to set it up, and the categories. I understood everything. I can use this information to create my own by: it gives you ideas to try to make an info-graph on something that is trending.

Three info-graphs that I thought were really interesting were:...
1)   I like Makeup

2) http://www.infographicsonly.com/wp-content/uploads/ZfDRAN0.jpg
  My Favorite animal is a horse

Christmas Flower Infographic

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