Beauty-Up is a Facebook Page created to give and receive ideas on hair, make-up, and clothes. I guess we can say, its a girly page. I think more girls will like this page than guys cause they are more into these stuff. So, Basically I post pictures and videos that are tutorials to gorgeous ideas. I recently posted a video on how to do a "laid braid bun" on the page. I think this page can help others get more ideas for they can try new things.
I'm pretty impressed, I have gotten offers on others becoming adminstrators of the page, but I think after the final I will continue this page. The reason why i created this page was because I really into make up and clothes, and i sometimes need new ideas for a different style. I realized that by creating this page i was benefiting others and as well as myself.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Final Project
For my final project I chose to do a Facebook page about ideas on make up, outfits, hair, etc. Its basically a page where girls can access to get ideas. I decided to do a Facebook page because I use Facebook more often than any other media, other than twitter. At first I was going to do a YouTube channel but I found out that I didn't actually have the time to record and edit the videos. I'm really impressed with my page! I got 15 people to like it. I think I'm going to continue with the page after this class, and get some more administrators to help me post. Hopefully, it can get more likes.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Sources 4/4
FOCUS: Accepting yourself Even When Others Don't
This website is really awesome and neat. It basically shares this a personal story about a girl who was really shy, and the path she took to get rid of it. (even though it was not a really healthy one!) Later she finds a better solution and understands her problem more in depth.
The main focus is to accept yourself for you truly are, and it give insights and facts/opinions on the ways you can cherish yourself as a person.
This relates to my topic because diversity is the differences of the characteristic and appearance of an individual. They have to learn to accept who they are and their differences before they can truly accept others.
Sources 3/4
I found this link when one of the other websites mentioned that when some people do not accept diversity it can result in bullying. I believe that it is accurate, most bullying stories are based on the victim's bully not accepting that the victim is different and stands out.
This website gave me insights on statistics and facts about bullying. It is pretty neat because its main focus and structure is to stop and prevent bullying from happening.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Sources for Ted Talk 2/4
Article Title: Valuing Diversity
This site in particular caught my interest because it really had some neat information about how diversity is taught to people and what it is. It mentioned that Diversity had two dimensions; primary and secondary.
Primary: Is something that a person themselves cannot change; which is ethnicity, gender, culture, race.
Secondary: It things that can be changed but takes efforts to do so, which is like religion, ideas, personality, and style.
Also some four categories on how a diversity is valued.
This site has given me insights on how the difference of being different can be perceived and valued by its importance..
Article Title: Valuing Diversity
This site in particular caught my interest because it really had some neat information about how diversity is taught to people and what it is. It mentioned that Diversity had two dimensions; primary and secondary.
Primary: Is something that a person themselves cannot change; which is ethnicity, gender, culture, race.
Secondary: It things that can be changed but takes efforts to do so, which is like religion, ideas, personality, and style.
Also some four categories on how a diversity is valued.
This site has given me insights on how the difference of being different can be perceived and valued by its importance..
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Sources For Ted Talks 1/4.
Article Title: Why Is Diversity Important?
I think this webpage is really well composed and full of unique information that I have not been able to find anywhere else. It informed me why diversity was important in the world and what it meant. I learned that diversity is the difference in people. For example: race, ethic, ideas, cultures, appearances, etc. It informs of how it is everywhere in the world, and where we turn it is present there even if we don't notice it. It gave me examples in diversity in school, workplace, and in public areas.
Article Title: Why Is Diversity Important?
I think this webpage is really well composed and full of unique information that I have not been able to find anywhere else. It informed me why diversity was important in the world and what it meant. I learned that diversity is the difference in people. For example: race, ethic, ideas, cultures, appearances, etc. It informs of how it is everywhere in the world, and where we turn it is present there even if we don't notice it. It gave me examples in diversity in school, workplace, and in public areas.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Third Topic Development
The big question when it comes to creating a Ted Talk is "What are people talking about now a days?", its also based on how easy they will comprehend the idea you are trying to spread.
Personally I think that people are talking about diversity in everyday life. Diversity is everywhere because everyone is different in their own way. There is no human being that is the same, sure maybe the same interest but never the same exact.
I chose Diversity because I feel like its really important and it should be valued. People should be able to be open-minded and accept the differences in others. I feel like the people that don't or don't have the privilege to grasp the knowledge of the concept of "Diversity" become sexist or racist and are not able to open-minded.
Its something we cannot escape from because its everywhere we turn, we learn to accept difference at a early age because it can be difficult to learn in as we grow older.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Ted Talk Start Off: Inspirational Quotes
"Be The Change You Want To See In The World."
I Chose The color Red For the color of the font because i feel like Red is the color that grabs most attention. Its also a color that means "Stop".
The verb "Bold" applies to this quote because of the meaning. Bold means "showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous." (Google). The quote encourages an individual to take risks in becoming a change to promote the change they want to see in the world. In order to achieve this they has to have the qualities of being confident and courageous.
This quote was said by Mahatma Gandhi. He was a world peace advocate back in 1932. He would encourage people to fight for their rights in Africa.
"You See Things; and you say,'Why?' But I Dream Things
That Never Were; And I Say, 'Why Not?'"
I Chose the color Yellow because to me it means to yield or take caution of. This quote reminds me that we have to look carefully and dream about the things we have to achieve and make them happen.
The verb optimistic means "to be hopeful and confident of the future". The quote above in yellow encourages to be optimistic about the future, and not be fearful. To reach the goals planned out and never question why, but why not.
This quote was said by George Bernard Shaw. He was a playwright and co-founder of the London School of Economics. He said this to promote people to follow their dreams no matter what, quote was said and created on his former experiences of following his dreams.
"Keep Your Face To the Sunshine, And you'll Never See the
I chose the color Pink because there is an expression that if you see the world in pink its always wonderful and full of joy.
VERB: Seeing Perspective
The verb Seeing Perspective means the angle in what you view the world. The quotes states that you see the world full of joy, it is what it means by sunshine and you will never see the shadows; meaning dullness.
This quote was said by Helen Keller. She used it to encourage people to view the world with positiveness
"Kind Words Are Short And Easy To Speak, But Their Echos Are Truly Endless.".
I Chose the color Blue because it look very calm and relaxing.
The verb i chose was Motivation because words can be sometimes motivation for reaching and achieving your goals. Words are truly endless because the human mind will remember those words if they are said with meaning.
This quote was said by Mother Teresa. She was a very religious , for the catholic church who has inspire many
."Hope is A Waking Dream"
I chose the color green because its very calming and dreamy.
VERB: Dreamer
i chose the verb Dreamer because with hope you can dream about anything and if you put your effort it will come true.
I don't know who said this.
I Chose The color Red For the color of the font because i feel like Red is the color that grabs most attention. Its also a color that means "Stop".
The verb "Bold" applies to this quote because of the meaning. Bold means "showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous." (Google). The quote encourages an individual to take risks in becoming a change to promote the change they want to see in the world. In order to achieve this they has to have the qualities of being confident and courageous.
This quote was said by Mahatma Gandhi. He was a world peace advocate back in 1932. He would encourage people to fight for their rights in Africa.
"You See Things; and you say,'Why?' But I Dream Things
That Never Were; And I Say, 'Why Not?'"
I Chose the color Yellow because to me it means to yield or take caution of. This quote reminds me that we have to look carefully and dream about the things we have to achieve and make them happen.
The verb optimistic means "to be hopeful and confident of the future". The quote above in yellow encourages to be optimistic about the future, and not be fearful. To reach the goals planned out and never question why, but why not.
This quote was said by George Bernard Shaw. He was a playwright and co-founder of the London School of Economics. He said this to promote people to follow their dreams no matter what, quote was said and created on his former experiences of following his dreams.
"Keep Your Face To the Sunshine, And you'll Never See the
I chose the color Pink because there is an expression that if you see the world in pink its always wonderful and full of joy.
VERB: Seeing Perspective
The verb Seeing Perspective means the angle in what you view the world. The quotes states that you see the world full of joy, it is what it means by sunshine and you will never see the shadows; meaning dullness.
This quote was said by Helen Keller. She used it to encourage people to view the world with positiveness
"Kind Words Are Short And Easy To Speak, But Their Echos Are Truly Endless.".
I Chose the color Blue because it look very calm and relaxing.
The verb i chose was Motivation because words can be sometimes motivation for reaching and achieving your goals. Words are truly endless because the human mind will remember those words if they are said with meaning.
This quote was said by Mother Teresa. She was a very religious , for the catholic church who has inspire many
."Hope is A Waking Dream"
I chose the color green because its very calming and dreamy.
VERB: Dreamer
i chose the verb Dreamer because with hope you can dream about anything and if you put your effort it will come true.
I don't know who said this.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Rough Outline For Essay
Rough Outline for Essay.
Topic: The Impact Social Media has on Society.
Introduction Paragraph:
- A Opening Sentence to attract the readers attention
- Background information about social media and how it came to be and the changes it has caused
- Thesis statement
Body Paragraph #1:
- A opening sentence
- How social media has impacted society's ways of thinking and doing
- Closing sentence
Body Paragraph #2:
- An opening sentence
- The positive and negative effect social media has had on youth and children.
- closing paragraph
Body Paragraph:
- opening sentence
- The effect on adults and seniors positive and negative
- closing paragraph
Body Paragraph:
- opening sentence
- The overall negative and positive effect.
- closing sentence
Body Paragraph:
- opening sentence
- The need and importance for social media in society.
- Closing sentence
- highlight of main ideas in essay
- how to use social media the right way
- thesis statement in different words
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Summary on Article for Essay
Article Name: Impact of media use on Children and Youth
Social media has a wide effect on our society; including both adults and children. It has a positive and a negative side to it. This article focuses more on our youth and children's effect towards the media they are exposed to. Its very interesting to see the negative and positive social media can be towards them, and how it can affect them later on in the future.
Not everything out in the cyber world is often bad. Its just how we choose to view it, being responsible and making smart choices on what to view. Studies have proven that educational t.v. shows have had an impact on children and youth. Shows like Sesame Street have shown reluctantly positive improvements towards the learning of the children. Also online learning programs, help youth and children learn about new things that are going on around them.
Now, we get on to the negative side of social media. Youth and children do experience different characters after watching certain shows. Violence, swearing, drugs, etc are frequently appearing on t.v. every so often. This can incline an individual into thinking, its healthy for them to start these procedures later on. Studies have shown that after a certain time of watching television with all this negative stuff on it, youth and children start experiencing a different character after a while. They either become more violent or start swearing.
There is no definite way of either saying if social media is good or bad. They outweigh each other in certain criteria, they have a positive side and a negative one. We just have to learn to use this responsibly and smart.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Topic On Essay
For My Essay the topic I chose was "The Effect of Social Media on a human's life".
I picked this topic because I think it would be interesting to know and acknowledge the effect that social media has had. How it has impacted our lives, either in a positive or negative way. Because this is just the start of social media and technology, it going to get bigger in the future. I hope to learn how social media has made a change in our lives and the impacts it has made.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Info-graphics are pictures that contain information, like interesting information. It is explaining it in the picture. I have seen them before in textbooks, and even on Facebook. Info-graphics can be helpful for marketing and campaigning because it can include visual information, you can add the picture of the person/product and add what they are roosting for or what benefits the products has for customers. Info-graphics can easily replace textbooks and PowerPoint. it contains all the information within it.
You can learn from this info-graph is how to make the best info-graph there is. It shows how to set it up, and the categories. I understood everything. I can use this information to create my own by: it gives you ideas to try to make an info-graph on something that is trending.
Three info-graphs that I thought were really interesting were:...
My Favorite animal is a horse
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Buzz Feed Videos Blog
In this post, I viewed some BuzzFeed Videos and gave my opinion about them. Then I selected two BuzzFeed Videos of my preference that I liked.
1) "Almost Immortal Animals"
《URL: v=W382U0baxVA&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DW382U0baxVA6》
1) The length of this video was appropriate because it was short enough capture my attention entirely and not get tired of it easily.
2) This Video combined music which would be classifed as "Audio" and pictures of the animals it metioned in the video. Also a lot of animation and video clips of the animals. Which made it interesting.!
3) This video was very revelant to me because it was in realtion to some of our background knowledge. It was very interesting because it states facts about these animals' life spans that are shocking to us because we had never thought about it or knew.
"How to piss off every New Yorker in 36 Seconds"
1) Honestly I thought the timing of this video was awesome! I liked how this video compleately captured my attention!
2) In this video the Audio was very intense made the audience incline and be attentive. There was motion videos which was cool becaus it showed the real examples of what they were stating.
3) Honestly this video does not relate to my life because I dont live in a huge metropolitan city. But it did capture my attention and I did quite enjoy this video to the fullest!
"The Most Trivial Mind Blowing Things You Never Thought Of Before"
1) I Think on this video was a little bit too long for my interest, I lost interest after a couple of minutes.
2) I This video they used photographs and animation. Also some Audio to capture the viewers' attention. I think that the music was a little bit too slow and unamusing for me. I would suggest a better suspenseful intense music for this video.
3) Honestly, I like the facts of all these different items we dont realize and wouldn't imagine knowing. This relates to my life and other people too because we see or use the items they metion.
"Can You Make it Through this video without melting your mind?"
1) The Length of this video is okay, because the viewers need time to read the content of this video and comprehend what they basically just read.
2) This video had pictures of what it was talking about, and very amusing audio that went with the theme. I think everything worked on the this video and it made it very interesting.
3) This video is very interesting because it offers new ideas about the universe we have never thought about considering. It relates to everyone in the universe and it very mindblowing!
"The Scariest Moments in Your Everyday Life"
1)I Think that the video was okay in length, it was short ans entertaining.
2) It had Audio, fun music and pictures that created the mood of the video.
3) This video relates almost to everyday life. There are moments were we commint these incidents and they aee very shocking and embarrassing. Almost everyone can relate to this video.
Monday, September 2, 2013
My Creation Of Memes(:
What Makes a Meme a Meme?
A) A Meme is a picture with a caption that anyone can relate to and have a little laugh.
(All theses memes were created on IFunny by Stephani Ornelas.)
The First Three Memes are in relation to a student's experience they might have at Dowling Catholic.
I created this Meme because at Dowling they block web pages they think students should not be on. They just block the first 4 top suggestions, and the other ones are not blocked.
There is one point in a student's life that they will take a hard test in their class and they ace it. They get so excited that they feel like they should share the news with their best friends.
This Labor Day, the teachers at Dowling Catholic assigned so much homework on Labor Day Weekend. Its a day of rest, not of work.!
The Next Two are Memes in relation to Living in Iowa....
Yearly, the grand attraction that brings many people travel to Iowa opens.... The Iowa State Fair! Its a lot of walking to see all they have to offer. So I am guessing that some Iowans prepare themselves for the walking and to eat all the fast foods.
Traveling through Iowa is kind of boring because all there is to see is the huge massive corn fields.
Last but not least, a meme of ourselves.....
This picture was taken in the Valley West Mall Elevator. We decided out of random to lay down on the floor to take this picture while the elevator was in motion.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Memes to me are a way to have a little laugh on a boring day. I like to search up memes and see what people have come up with. A meme can be funny and thought provoking because it can be related to a experience you have had or its just that funny.! Maybe at times a Meme might not be the best, and it really does not make any sense. This can happen when the creator of that Meme tried to be funny but it was lame or you just can't really relate to that Meme.
This Meme to me reminds of what it feel like to be a student. Here we have the "Angry Cat" expressing his feeling towards school subjects, which in reality most students feel the same way.
This special Meme talks about school. It shows how students feel on the first day of school and towards the last day of school. I had a little laugh at this one because its true! All students come all unexcited to leave their summer break and return to school, but at the last day of school they are all pumped up because they cannot wait for summer.
This Meme especially captured my interest. I am a One Direction fan, I love their music. So I guess this Meme can pass for "Interests". I love how it shows this picture of their fans peeking under the gate and how it relates the picture to a "zombie Movie".
Music is everybody's favorite thing, it lets us sit back and relax while listening to it. I love listening to music, i like almost every pop singer I hear. Nowadays music has more and more inappropriate words and meanings in the song. Sometimes we are not paying attention to the lyrics but to the beat so we don't notice it. But when we are with our parents, we sometime do capture part of the lyrics.
This Meme it really did not capture my interest. So I'm labeling it "Meme that does not work" I don't really see the point of this Meme, it doesn't make anyone laugh.
Showing students wanting to not have school by having a six month holiday two times a year.
Teens can relate to this because in very class in school they have a kid who acts like this.
Everyone at one point can relate to this one. There always has to be a kid who just blurts out the answer and just never raises his hand.
I like this one because when i saw it, it made me laugh. So the character in the bottom put toothpicks in his eyes to not think of someone.
If you laugh about everything you might need to go to the Mental Health Services. Haha, this one is one of my favorites.
Nowadays with Instagram people think they are models just because of all their likes and selfies on Instagram.
I thought this was funny. I like how Facebook states that the creatures crush is in a relationship and it starts freaking out because in reality that's what happens.
This one states things that you can relate to in real life. I personally enjoy this one.
This one is to make you giggle. It shows and relates what can happen if you drink too much caffeine. I just love the dog's expression because he drank too much coffee.
I'm personally not a twilight fan but I like how it shows how a twilight fan is seen in other peoples' eyes.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
About Me^-^
Hello my name is Stephani. I am currently a sophmore at Dowling Catholic High School. I like to spend my time in a free open area. I am not a city girl, I like the country more its more peaceful than the city. I like to go horseback riding down trails, and also go on four-wheelers. I like living on the farm. I don't like school at times for all the homework, it just isnt my thing. I don't like it when people get all stubborn and closed minded.
Some interesting face about me are I own two houses. One in Des Moines and a farm house in Van Meter. I used to own two llamas, they were nice but at times wierd. I personally own two goats. I got them in a auction in Stewart, IA. I named them Pabllo and Paco. I also have really long hair! One time my friends measured my hair and it was three feet long.
Some things I did this summer were I went to Omaha, Nebraska for a week. I stayed ina college and participated in Saint Mary's College Latina Summer Academy. It was fun, I made friends over there. I went to the Art museum and to a garden. I also went Horseback riding in the mids of july, and I also went on a four wheeler. The 4th of July was my favorite part of the summer.
I am excited for this 2013-2014 school year at Dowling. I am aiming to improve my leadership and risk taking skills. My goals for this year is to get all A's in all my classes to get my gpa to a 4.0. I so far like all my classes this year, except for French I guess because I am the only sophmore in that class and the rest are freshman.
Keeping a blog is another way to communicate on the internet. Its another form to share ideas or opinions just like Facebook and Twitter. A blog of me, I guess its fun. I like to share interesting things I find on the interent or ideas I come up with. A blog is almost like a journal, a way of writing down stuff but the only difference is that a lot of people will be able to see it.
Some interesting face about me are I own two houses. One in Des Moines and a farm house in Van Meter. I used to own two llamas, they were nice but at times wierd. I personally own two goats. I got them in a auction in Stewart, IA. I named them Pabllo and Paco. I also have really long hair! One time my friends measured my hair and it was three feet long.
Some things I did this summer were I went to Omaha, Nebraska for a week. I stayed ina college and participated in Saint Mary's College Latina Summer Academy. It was fun, I made friends over there. I went to the Art museum and to a garden. I also went Horseback riding in the mids of july, and I also went on a four wheeler. The 4th of July was my favorite part of the summer.
I am excited for this 2013-2014 school year at Dowling. I am aiming to improve my leadership and risk taking skills. My goals for this year is to get all A's in all my classes to get my gpa to a 4.0. I so far like all my classes this year, except for French I guess because I am the only sophmore in that class and the rest are freshman.
Keeping a blog is another way to communicate on the internet. Its another form to share ideas or opinions just like Facebook and Twitter. A blog of me, I guess its fun. I like to share interesting things I find on the interent or ideas I come up with. A blog is almost like a journal, a way of writing down stuff but the only difference is that a lot of people will be able to see it.
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